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New Moon 20/9/2017
by signingstar

The New Moon at 27 degrees Virgo on September 20 in opposition to Chiron in Pisces, in square with Saturn in Sagittarius and in quincunx with Uranus in Aries seems to be a ringing bell for the lives of the signs/ascendants of the mutable axis (Gemini/Sagittarius, Virgo/Pisces) which reminds them that the three-year-long race is coming to an end.

The 2017 trial seems to be at its peak and indicates that the result of this three-year-long effort must come to the surface, thus it is time the landscape was clarified. Get rid of everyone and everything useless, clear your mind from any haunting memories or insecurities, and take care of your body so that you can raise to the occasion.

You are called upon to make a sacrifice which comes through a new agreement regarding your daily routine. There is no other way out shall you wish to drive in a highway and not in a narrow path which limits you.



The Virgo New Moon will try to awaken you abruptly and make you wonder whether you can connect reality with your imagination. There are developments at work which possibly mean that you must cooperate with people with whom you cannot find a common point of reference. Perhaps you are not part of the plan so as to prove whether you can claim what you are robbed of or earn even more. As far as your health is concerned, it is time you made the examinations you had in mind because some inner fears prevented you from seeing the whole truth.



At the Virgo New Moon, you will confront people from your social circle regarding a choice you made or you seek to make; it seems to be opposite to the opinions and comments of people around you. You are called upon to insist so as to earn what you have in mind, besiege somebody you want to conquer, or be patient and reasonable regarding a professional issue so that you win over the opposite side. If you are in a scary juncture, try to approach somebody who knows how to change your thoughts since they help you focus on the positive side of things.



Perhaps the Virgo New Moon indicates the time of changes at professional or family level. This, of course, might be coloured with the meaning of sacrifice so that progress takes place. On the one hand, you are called upon to reach reasonable decisions, to argue for your opinion and views, and to explain what you say with clarity and in detail. On the other hand, you realise that time is not in your favour that is, you must speed up some procedures so that the changes, which you have in mind but are delayed, take place.



The Virgo New Moon perhaps initiates a new cycle of communication and thinking so that you escape an environment which you think suits you but in reality, closes in upon you. You will confront yourself because your body is not attuned to your mind; however, through this process, you will manage to fight so as to see on which side of yourself you must rely more. Hence, you had better clarify your priorities and obligations so as to feel as close to your own values as possible.



The Virgo New Moon is a good opportunity to set some financial aspects of your life on a new basis. Perhaps there is a new financial proposition which consists of new weights for you and you must consider whether you are willing to take the risk. In every possible conversation you hold, bear in mind that you are in a juncture when you would like to add some moments of personal satisfaction to your life. This means that you should not put your personal life on the back burner even if the professional area is rather invigorated.



The New Moon in your sign is an important moment to implement some promises you give yourself but never follow. Decide to get rid of people and situations that pollute the air you breathe otherwise you will fall into a bigger trap since you will be involved in situations you cannot control. An unexpected move from the other side might scare you but it will also be an excellent occasion to understand your own dynamic. You are called upon to speak the truth, to do what is self-evident, and to explain some things which are still incomprehensible ideas to many others.



It seems that the Virgo New Moon is targeting your health by highlighting that you must get rid of everything which fills your life with toxins and useless elements. If you feel sick, if you feel that you are not that well, or if you realise that your body responds to external stimuli in a weird way, it is probably the right moment to get serious about the situation. At professional level, you had better protect yourself from back stabbing. A lot of things are said but you cannot control them, a lot of things take place but you cannot manage them. If you must operate behind the scenes, make sure you keep distance from people whom you trusted until today.



The Virgo New Moon will be a good opportunity to renew your social circle and be in an environment where you can make new friends. Make sure you do not behave individualistically and you get to associate with people who could think and function in a way other than the one you prefer, of course. Nevertheless, you can judge whom to keep around you and whom not because you must rationalise some things. If you associate with people, you will manage to escape from a haunting amorous memory. At the same time, you will get answers regarding the way you could make a relationship more fruitful despite the obstacles.



The Virgo New Moon gives you the opportunity to come out of your shell and claim what you think is impossible to conquer due to the weight you have shouldered which does not allow you to move as you would like to. A new professional beginning indicates that you will have to be transferred from the place you were used to living; this might upset some people of your environment. The opportunity to move out is perhaps an occasion to speak up about the problems in a relationship which seems to be sunk into inadequacy. You must do something to disturb stagnant waters during this New Moon otherwise you will suffer from physical or psychological problems.



The Virgo New Moon will force you to express yourself in a way which might scare you or stress others around you. However, you must get it out of you. As a solution, you could flee from the scary situation although this is not a substantial problem resolution. You really need to honestly speak and describe yourself and your position in view of things, and not only criticise others. Some mistakes have taken place but make sure you are the one who proposes solutions and does not only use dry criticism.



The Virgo New Moon is the moment when you are called upon to fix and change your finances. You will have to change the priority of your obligations and move according to your income which does not always depend on you. Perhaps you must hold a discussion at professional level so as to deal with injustice. Do not exaggerate though and endanger your job position. At amorous level, make sure you listen to the other side and stop being chained to your personal obsessions and convictions.



The New Moon opposite you is a good opportunity to reorganise your personal life. If you wait for developments from the other side and if you decide to avoid any action, it means that you admit you are not at the helm of situations and you are a victim to others’ dispositions. If this statement is true, you must seriously think of the possibility to step back from your claims and let others decide for you. If you get angry with this statement, is it maybe high time you stopped seeing your life through others’ lives and you decided to give it some meaning and breathed new life in it? 

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