The website is my effort to speak about Astrology in a way that does not demonize it, that moves it away from the narrow sense of a prediction through a crystal ball and that turns it into a science, set in a masterly way, to explain the complexity of human existence.
The personal natal chart is not a shadow to the personal identity anymore, a blueprint that castigates weaknesses and stigmatizes guilts. It becomes the personal imprint in a life’s work which dates back, is happening today and we want it to exist in the long-term. When I realised that all of the above could be expressed through Psychological Astrology, I decided to create the Greek version of this website with a view to sharing with all of you the way in which I decipher the moves of the planets in the Sky.
Through my contact with Greek-speaking expatriates, I was urged to create an English version of the website for all of you speaking some or no Greek at all and yet, have been drawn into my world for one reason or another. The website introduces weekly and monthly predictions, the issues on the New Moon and Full Moon as well as special editions, such as the transits of planets to signs – currently Saturn transiting through Sagittarius. You may read all these every month in this website, but in the same time you are more than welcome to also access a range of personalised services.
I completed my training in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and I am a certified NLP Practitioner and New Code NLP Practitioner by the European Board of NLP, while I continue my training at the Faculty of Astrological Studies UK. I realise that an astrological personal session is not a series of answers about the hurtful past and scary future. This is why the personal sessions combining the natal chart reading, the transits and progressions of the planets, the facts of the Solar return chart as well as the communication techniques by NLP comprise the following:
In addition, through a series of Psychological Astrology lessons (the first two cycles in Greek are already taking place), one may start getting an idea of the meanings behind an astrological natal chart at a level of personality analysis as well as a level of predictions or rather soul unfolding throughout the years.
Finally, the connection between the personal natal chart and those of our parents and children might bring to light chains-fixations which are inherited; some precious talismans which are passed on unconsciously from one generation to another. It might also bring to light an understanding of each person’s timeline as an extension of their ancestors as well as offspring.
The above-mentioned services aim at unfolding each person’s soul on the canvas that both body and mind lay out as conscious and under-control parts of a personality’s extension. Hence, if you are interested in diving into you a little bit deeper than you would have expected, you just have to try out one of these things by getting in touch with me.
Email: [email protected]
Through the contact form of
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
Giorgos Sofianis