Annual Predictions 2023
Annual Predictions 2023
Annual Predictions 2023
Do you dare?
2023 seems to be a year that highly influences the domestic and career areas of your life by introducing challenges you cannot ignore. On the one side, you may need to have a family or focus on your children and find new interests. Both prospects mean that you must be careful with the way you manage your finances because you cannot risk too much. On the other side, you will be challenged to make some karmic and provocative professional moves because you see opportunities that might not appear in the future again. The balance between building a career that will make you stand out in the eyes of powerful people and having a healthy relationship and family is not an easy thing to do. You will often be in a dilemma about which direction to take. Remember, though, that one way or another you stand before karmic challenges to stand out, dare to claim happiness, and not make compromises which highlight your phobias and insecurities.
Jupiter is in Aries until May, 16 and you have the opportunity to make risky and challenging moves on the professional level. Perhaps a new road opens up mainly if you decide to trust yourself and take on roles which you could hardly shoulder until today. Perhaps this means that you are ready to leave a work environment which offers you security but also makes it difficult on you to express yourself and bring your true potential and skills to the surface. Perhaps you receive an unexpected job offer and as a result, you hesitate because you initially want to assess the framework in which you will work. You cannot decide based only on your own role and remuneration because you want to be a member of a team that you will create and lead. In April and in May you will try to walk a tightrope which consists of phobias and insecurities on the one side and the opportunity to feel successful and complete on the other. Try to walk the tightrope without thinking that it might break as long as you see, on its one side, the face of somebody who fulfils you and makes you want to live for many years.
Jupiter enters Taurus on May, 16 and will stay there until the end of the year. It is an opportunity for things to cool down at work and for you to feel surrounded by people who understand you. What matters is that you feel an equal team member, trust some people and share parts of your life with them. You will add moments of pleasure to your life and you will integrate activities that help you focus on yourself. Perhaps you make new friends, you are a member of social actions or you start a new professional activity that will contribute to your income. At the same time, if you are single, there will be amorous opportunities through friendships or through your participation in social activities that introduce you to people who suit you.
Saturn will be in Aquarius until March, 7 and you will have financial difficulties as you will be under pressure and you will have to limit your expenses to the very basic. Perhaps you realise that you are called upon to pay a lot of money to the state or to settle unfinished business related to inheritance. Perhaps you are angry because you feel used, you think society treats you unfairly, and you realise that you are not as free as you would like to be. At the same time, you are called upon to assess your love life and give answers about the priorities you set in your relationship. Are you in a relationship because you feel secure in it or because there are intense amorous and sexual elements that connect you with the other side? If you can honestly answer this question, you need not wait for any sort of advice as to how to handle problems in your relationship.
Saturn enters Pisces on March, 7 and will be there until the end of the year. It seems like an opportunity for you to cope with your way of thinking. Perhaps you decide to invest in an educational activity that could change your professional status but only if you invest time and effort in it. Perhaps you start something which will take time and will be hard on you but which will also give you the opportunity to think deeply and bring a different way of thinking to the surface. On the other hand, you might realise that you live in a society that becomes cruel and unfair to the weak; that does not support social and philanthropist actions; and that stops being a happy place to live in and raise your children. Perhaps you lose faith in the future and you see impasses and difficult pathways which you are not sure you would like to walk. On the other hand, this could be an occasion to decide to be a leader of an effort that supports the weak, offers to the have-nots, and tries to re-establish the meanings of altruism and humanism in a humanity that loses its orientation.
The first set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on April, 20 at the last degree of Aries in square with Pluto in Capricorn and it has an impact on the representatives who were born on the last days of the third decanate. You will be called upon to make moves in your career which means that you even consider changing it. A challenge might look pretty interesting and make you ask yourself whether it is time you delved into it and you left the security of your familiar environment. Perhaps you try to have a more powerful role in your existing job but you will come across others’ resistance who are not willing to let go of control. On the domestic level, make sure you understand whether you want or must take on a different role because, based on the answer to this dilemma, you will understand how to respond to the issue in question. The Lunar eclipse on May, 5 at 14 degrees Scorpio in opposition to Mercury and Uranus in Taurus seems to upset your love life because you may realise that you function based on your mind and not heart. Perhaps oppressed emotions surface which you wish to express in a way that indicates, though, you want to conquer somebody. Perhaps you are in a social environment with a lot of amorous challenges and you have dilemmas that you cannot easily answer.
The next set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on October, 14 at 21 degrees Libra in conjunction with Mercury, in opposition to Chiron in Aries and in square with Pluto in Capricorn that mostly affects the representatives who were born on the first days of the third decanate. You might move out or change job and you have to balance between professional and personal life so as to strike the happy medium. What matters is to remember that there are people near you whom you do not want to lose so you need not go too far. On the other hand, you cannot be selfish because it is not responsible to make decisions based only on your own desires and dispositions. If you are in a relationship or collaboration that has an impact on the foundations of your life and it has reached a point of turmoil, it is inevitable for you to leave. The Lunar eclipse on October, 28 at 5 degrees Taurus in opposition to Mercury and Mars in Scorpio seems to make you focus on the material area of life and pleasures. You cannot second certain decisions because you lose an income that provides security. However, you can make decisions without thinking about the past all the time and the way you used to live. It is time you looked beyond the present. If you combine the above, you may decide to change your social circle because you realise that your life has made its cycle and it is about time you grew as a person and human species.
North Node
The North Node will be in Taurus until July, 17 and the South Node will be in Scorpio respectively. You will have the opportunity to smoothly join a new and different social environment. Perhaps you get in touch with people who could be the pieces of the puzzle of your new life because you decide to alienate people who make it hard on you. Perhaps you focus on the financial area and you decide to accept offers which meet your financial requirements. You do not care whether you leave a job and certain acquaintances behind that you were used to having in your life. Finally, you had better cope with your nutrition and beware of binges and cheating because time will leave its scars on you and you will hardly be able to get rid of them.
The North Node enters Aries and the South Node enters Libra respectively on July, 17 which translates into a new era for your career. If you were born on the third decanate, you will likely come across professional challenges and you will assume roles which will expose you to people who are willing to criticise you for your actions. Perhaps you take on a great deal of work and as a result, you put your personal life on the back burner which will create difficult balances in your existing relationships. Try not to focus only on the one part of your life because you might go too far and break the ties unless you think it is time you freed yourself from an environment that cages you. If this is the case, try and take distance without cutting the painter unless you are ready to second your new identity to the very end; that is, somebody who is not scared to fight with whomever stands opposite them.