Annual Predictions 2023

Annual Predictions 2023

Annual Predictions 2023

libra Libra

A challenge that shakes you up


2023 seems to be a crucial year for you because you can speed up. Jupiter will be opposite you until May, 16 and the North Node will also be opposite you, in Aries, as from July, 17. Thus you will come across opportunities you cannot ignore. A new acquaintance could evolve rapidly and dynamically and you will stop having difficult dilemmas. An amorous contact could be an opportunity to discover your sexual needs which have been oppressed lately. It could also be the foundation for a relationship that could even result in having a family. On the professional level, it is time you connected and collaborated with somebody who seems willing to carry you away in a path you would like to walk but might be scary. It is time, though, you set your comfort zone aside and you tried to focus on a field which might seem strange but which excites you and puts you in a position of pleasant anticipation. What matters is that you understand how to take advantage of the opportunity and rebuild your life even if you think it is too early to make dreams you cannot trust yet.



Jupiter is in Aries until May, 16 and gives you the opportunity for new relationships and collaborations. You will come across people who wish to associate with you but you might be scared of their impulsiveness. Perhaps you have the opportunity to widen your circle of influence and to take on a different professional role which scares you and makes you acknowledge you are not fully in control. Nevertheless, the challenge is pretty big and you may try to go after what is offered even if you think you are in uncharted waters. On the personal level, if you are single, you may easily meet and be approached by somebody who intrigues you and makes you ask yourself whether it is time you broke free from chains that keep you stuck to your obsessions. On the other side, an extramarital affair might come up that will put your marriage to the test and will act as a catalyst for developments that you have refused to set in motion until today.


Jupiter enters Taurus on May, 16 and will stay there until the end of the year. You will find allies in your effort to feel more secure financially. A relationship might move forward and questions of actual connection with the other person surface as your relationship might become official. In addition, you have the opportunity to improve your living conditions by accepting an offer that may change balances in your life. You see, you might receive a better remuneration and so change job position. If you have unfinished business with the tax office or some inheritance or management of your expenses, make sure you take advantage of the occasion and try to find solutions in the coming period because you can have favourable conditions. On the amorous level, a relationship might be improved based on sexual chemistry between yourselves. At the same time, you could go ahead and have a child because you seem to be ready to take on such a responsibility bearing in mind that you must always have your partner by your side to second this thought or decision.



Saturn will be in Aquarius until March, 7 and it does not have a negative impact on you. With Saturn in Aquarius you mature and you learn to be responsible in your love relationships; or the choices you make for your personal life change; or you might try and lay foundations for your existing relationship. Perhaps it is difficult to have a child but you will find a way out shall you seriously and essentially give answers about this choice. Perhaps you see your children grow older and they have different needs than the ones you were used to. This is pleasant for you because you can have a more adult-like relationship with them. Finally, you likely take on a new role in your social environment, you shoulder certain situations, and you lead a group people in need of a compass.


Saturn enters Pisces on March, 7 and will stay there for about three years. It will be an opportunity to improve your daily life. Perhaps you realise that your life is more difficult and you can hardly respond to the responsibilities you shoulder. You could focus only on yourself and stop helping and supporting others. You could set priorities so as to stop losing yourself in many directions. Perhaps it is time you were trained in your existing work environment and you followed the orders of people who are experienced and knowledgeable. On the other side, you might want to prioritise your physical well-being, focus on your health, and stop wasting yourself. Remember that you must take care of your nutrition otherwise your constitution will react and will bring inexplicable difficulties and obstacles to the surface.



The first set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on April, 20 at the last degree of Aries in square with Pluto in Capricorn and it has an impact on the relationships of the representatives who were born on the last days of the third decanate of your sign/ascendant. Perhaps you come across your partner’s insightful comments and dispositions which are different from your intentions and make you acknowledge that there is an ever-growing problem. You must confront your partner and try to refute pretty harsh complaints. You must have arguments and the will to take action. Perhaps a cycle ends within the family and you take on a new role for which you had better be prepared so as not to be taken by surprise. On the professional level, try and free yourself from something that you should get rid of and you should not drag along shall you decide to move on. The Lunar eclipse that follows on May, 5 at 14 degrees Scorpio in opposition to Mercury and Uranus in Taurus seems to make you acknowledge that the financial aspect will play an important role in the decision you are called upon to make. Perhaps you can hardly integrate a challenge you have accepted in the existing facts of your life because you must take bigger risks than you can handle. Perhaps you must be more assertive at work, raise to the occasion and ask for what you deserve without letting others take advantage of your labour.


The next set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on October, 14 at 21 degrees your sign in conjunction with Mercury, in opposition to Chiron in Aries and in square with Pluto in Capricorn. You are the protagonist of developments mainly if you were born on the first days of the third decanate. You will be called upon to decide whether you can trust somebody who has entered your life and seems to breathe new life into your personal or professional life. Perhaps you can hardly accept the facts as such and you try to bring balance which means that you may speak honestly and touch upon situations that used to be untouchable. If you are ready to cope with the trauma in your relationships, make sure you deeply consider the topic and do not be superficial about it. The Lunar eclipse on October, 28 at 5 degrees Taurus in opposition to Mercury and Mars in Scorpio seems to have an impact on the financial side of your life. You have to acknowledge that it is not easy to take risks. Perhaps you step back and you refuse to take on a challenge that is interesting but also horrifying. Perhaps there are tensions between yourself and a collaborator and as a result, you must reconsider your financial plans and set new goals which are more realistic.


North Node

The North Node will be in Taurus until July, 17 and the South Node will be in Scorpio respectively. You must focus on the financial area and feel that you share things with the other side. Perhaps a professional collaboration moves ahead and you lay the foundations for an opportunity to feel much more secure in the future because the person by your side can provide patience and prudence. Perhaps you decide to stay in a difficult environment which, however, pays well which is something you really need in order to stand on your feet. The North Node enters Aries and the South Node enters your sign respectively on July, 17 and inaugurates a period in your life when you come across karmic challenges in your interpersonal relationships. If you were born on the third decanate, you will be called upon to answer whether you meet somebody who can change the flow of your life. Could you give everything up and follow this person where they decide or suggest to go? Could you see in them somebody who can lead you out of the impasse on the personal decisions you are called upon to make? September and November are two months that could change many facts so long as you are willing to trust and not be carried away on the spur of the moment.

Astrological Predictions with Psychological Touch by Giorgos Sofianis

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