Annual Predictions 2023

Annual Predictions 2023

Annual Predictions 2023

scorpio Scorpio

The two of you now


2023 seems to be a rather intense year because you are called upon to prove what you have learnt over the last three years following Saturn in Aquarius that leaves the sign on March, 7. First of all, Jupiter in Taurus favours you to build interpersonal relationships that are based on mutual trust and identification as from May, 16 and until the end of the year. You could find your ideal better half and move forward together or if you found them, you could make your relationship official. Perhaps you may easily break up from a stagnant relationship because somebody else interferes and seems to set everything that is forgotten and idle on fire. On the professional level, you seem to be able to make connections which help you to feel more secure financially while you may also be given a role that suits your potential much more. The aforementioned will be more intense during the period of the eclipses (in May and in November) when you realise that your dynamic must be expressed through controversial and rather impressive moves.


In 2023 you will come across karmic challenges to discover happiness so long as you understand that the longer you maintain what seems to be rotten or even dead, the more you acknowledge your defeat to seek a healthy future. Do you have the courage to start over following a three-year-long period that changed your outlook on life?



Jupiter is in Aries until May, 16 and increases the speed and activity in your daily life. Perhaps you have more professional obligations, you must settle unfinished business, and you must take care of situations that bother you and you should not drag along. Perhaps you take on a second job which is probably seasonal and can help you feel more secure and stand on your own feet. At the same time, you may meet many people and make acquaintances that could be important and useful in the near future. You may widen your social circle and promote your abilities. Regarding your health, you have the opportunity to look after your nutrition and get rid of whatever is useless and heavy that remains in your life for no reason. Try and take up sports so as to be in better shape and not avoid looking to yourself in the mirror.


Jupiter enters Taurus on May, 16 and will stay there until the end of the year. It seems to introduce a very favourable period for you because you have the opportunity to refresh your interpersonal relationships. You could partner with somebody who can be the foundations on which you build your career. Perhaps you are involved in a professional field that suits you and you seem to have been looking for for quite some time. Perhaps you are promoted and you therefore get a pay rise; this remuneration could help you buy things and make investments that you need. On the personal level, a relationship seems to move on and lay the foundations for a commitment or even a family. If your relationship goes through a rough patch or if you are single, amorous challenges show up and help you feel desirable anew. It is time you prioritised sex and you made sure you satisfied your physical desires because they are on fire.



Saturn will be in Aquarius until March, 7 and it mostly impacts on the representatives who were born at the end of the third decanate through trials which aim at making you close chapters. Perhaps you want to move out from your house, shut the door behind and look for a new home. Perhaps you realise that you cannot reach an understanding with people with whom you used to share a common way of thinking and action, thus you can hardly be with them in the same space. On the professional level, you may take distance from a group of people with whom you collaborate because you think you can offer much more than they do. Perhaps you are under unprecedented pressure from your boss and you can hardly fit in with a work environment that cages you and demotivates you from taking initiatives. If the chapter ends, make sure you leave without making a bad impression because you do not know what might happen in the future.


Saturn enters Pisces on March, 7 and will stay there throughout the year. It will be a good opportunity to take steps toward stabilising your personal life. Following a period of tensions and disturbances, you have the opportunity to find somebody with whom you reach an understanding and speak the same language regarding your amorous desires. Perhaps you move forward with your relationship, you commit, and you realise that there is somebody in your life on whom you can rely. Perhaps you understand that you make more mature choices regarding the right partner and you choose people whom you would not even consider in the past. If you have children, your relationship with them probably changes and you might realise that they grow older, they move ahead with their lives, and you are called upon to take on a different role. If you want to have a child, it is not a simple process because you need time and patience to make it happen. You need not be disappointed. Have faith in yourself and make long-term plans that can actually happen shall you be devoted to the target.



The first set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on April, 20 at the last degree of Aries in square with Pluto in Capricorn and you seem to observe the conflicts and quarrels between people of your work environment. Perhaps you learn many lessons as you notice what takes place around you and you realise that there are methods for crisis management which are based not on head-on confrontation but rather on diplomacy. Perhaps you feel energy-deprived and you do not have the stamina to confront people who stand opposite you and seem ready to be opinionated. The Lunar eclipse that follows on May, 5 at 14 degrees Scorpio in opposition to Mercury and Uranus in Taurus seems to highly disturb the lives of the representatives of the second decanate. You will come across unexpected challenges because you need to get direct and clear answers. Perhaps the other side’s plans catch you off guard and you need to immediately take initiative which is of course dangerous. Remember that if you are impulsive, you might have accidents, lose control of the situation, and find yourself hanging in mid-air. On the other side, you have the opportunity to do something that changes the facts and makes you the leader of the situation. However, you have to function at will and not be afraid of whatever comes across your way.


The next set of eclipses begins with the Solar eclipse on October, 14 at 21 degrees Libra in conjunction with Mercury, in opposition to Chiron in Aries and in square with Pluto in Capricorn. It seems to upset your work routine. Perhaps you can hardly collaborate and reach an understanding with opinionated people who work in line with transparency. You must monitor how things develop regarding collaboration and attunement with people who are responsible for setting up teams so as to learn lessons that will be extremely useful in the coming period. On the personal level, try and understand the other side’s phobias and insecurities without raising walls and bringing resistance that undermine your relationship. The Lunar eclipse on October, 28 at 5 degrees Taurus in opposition to Mercury and Mars in your sign seems to mostly influence the representatives of the first decanate because you feel that it is time you did something to set your interpersonal relationships in motion as they are trapped in habit. Perhaps this means that you provoke somebody before you and you are willing to bring your secret weaponry to the surface because it is time you cut free from an environment that hems you in. Perhaps you lose an intimate person from your life and you realise that time goes by and you cannot have in your possession whatever you thought would stay forever.


North Node

The North Node will be in Taurus until July, 17 and the South Node will be in your sign respectively. They mostly influence the representatives of the first decanate who need to let go of everything in your life that creates obsessions and problems. You are called upon to trust the judgement and disposition of somebody by your side and to make connections which are based on mutual support and will to share your belongings. Perhaps you fall into the trap of self-punishment and self-poisoning by taking actions which remind you of your old self, namely your self-destructive side, since you cannot open up easily and you can hardly let somebody else enter your life. Perhaps you learn how to professionally relate and collaborate with people or associations that can ensure your financial security. Perhaps you consider the possibility of joining a team that could be your safe professional environment or even home. The North Node enters Aries and the South Node enters Libra respectively on July, 17. You seem to be more interested in observing what takes place around you than to your interpersonal relationships. Perhaps you must be part of a wider network in which you are called upon to control your personal ego and arrogance. Perhaps you need to stand the behaviour of people who act as leaders and authorities because you want to take real lessons, observe, and make sure you copy certain behaviours that will be very useful in the near future. Finally, it is time you coped with your health, you looked after yourself, you took care of your nutrition, and you took up activities that help you feel lighter and much better with regard to time that goes by.

Astrological Predictions with Psychological Touch by Giorgos Sofianis

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